Using exercise bikes for weight loss is a great way to stay in shape while having some fun at the same time. As you have probably already noticed, there are most likely cycling classes all over your town. This is where a group of people get together to ride stationary bikes at a certain pace and for a certain amount of time each week. Of course, there are variations between all the classes but they seem to be relatively the same. But if you truly want to learn how to use exercise bikes for weight loss, this article is for you.
The problem with most cycling classes is that, unless the instructor is up to date on current fitness research, they're probably telling you to do the wrong thing. They unfortunately have people go the same speed (usually slow) for a longer amount of time. But according to the research done in the past few years, this is completely the wrong way of doing things.
If you want to use exercise bikes for weight loss you're going to need to follow these steps:
First, you'll want to warm up for a few minutes. This could be simply walking around to get your heart rate up, jump roping, lightly riding a bike, or doing some dynamic stretching.
When you get on the bike you should start by riding on the slow side for a few minutes. If you're warming up using the same bike you can count this as your warm up.
After a few minutes, do a full out sprint until you feel your legs burning. Don't overdo it too much but make sure you "push yourself" a bit.
When you can't go any longer, go back to regular cycling. You should do this until you get your breath back and are able to put forth another 100% effort.
Repeat this anywhere from 3-8 times, depending on your fitness level. If you're a beginner you can have longer rest times, but the longer you do this, the shorter your rest times should become.
Using exercise bikes for weight loss in this manner is only going to take you about 15-20 minutes. If you want to continue pedaling at a slow pace, that's fine. It will burn a few more calories. But, doing the full out sprints is going to ramp up your metabolism so fast you'll think you're a teenager again!
Try this technique using exercise bikes for weight loss and do it for 3-4 weeks. I promise you, you're going to love the results.
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